A dedication **3x Awarded**
This may not live up to the fine work in the forum, but I post it anyway in memory of the best friend I'll ever have...I loved him with all my heart and soul even though we were both straight. He was,...
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*smiles* Sarge~ My da wore a t-shirt for years that said " Forget the war , but not the warriors " You do those simple words Honor as did my Da as does my husband ( Porphyry ) as does everyone who...
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(((((~Bill~))))))) *tears and heartstrings* We are truly so very blessed to have one true friend in this journey of life, and I have no doubts after reading this that your very special and **true**...
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God Bless, to All *sigh* I don't care how many books we read, movies we watch, documentaries watched, NO ONE can know the horrifics of WAR as those who serve... Again, GOD BLESS!!! Congrats for BOTH...
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This brought tears to my eyes and touched my soul, this is wonderfully written and I am honored I read this. My dad suffered from the stress of war he was a changed man after he served.... jackie
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Topper/Bill, You've opened your heart in this Beautiful tribute to your friend, Tender and Touching it is Poet. Your close Really got to me..well done. Congrats on the most deserving awards Hugs Sky
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Sky many thanks I have found that this board is in truth the missing fountain, not of youth, but of love. Thank you for loaning me your soul for a few mintues. I prey I handled it with care. Bill
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Bill, I felt the true camaraderie in this read. Only the truest of friends would have stood by your side in times such as those. A fine tribute this was and one that has touched me deeply!
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This one called me back.......congratulations, again, and thank you for sharing the beauty of these words, and the heart within them, with us.... **Hugsssss** ~dawn~
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Rosebud111 wrote: This brought tears to my eyes and touched my soul, this is wonderfully written and I am honored I read this. My dad suffered from the stress of war he was a changed man after he...
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Bill~ Congratulations on your triple awards.....much deserved **Hugs** ~dawn~
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Thank you Sid...your comments are well noted and wholey appreciated.
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